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Redefining a legacy


Making a difference

In December 2008, Lt. Aaron Lewis of 29 Commando batallion was killed in action in Afghanistan - on his first deployment, he was just 26 years old. I had known Aaron since we were 11 years old, and considered him to be my best friend.


In the year following his death, friends and family raised over £100,000 for a number of military causes, which inspired the idea of creating a single, united cause to raise funds for local children's causes and ex-military personnel.


As the foundation celebrated their tenth year - having exceed all fund-raising expectations, and helping causes not just locally, but on a national level - the ambitions of the trustees and supporters were raised, and needed a strong strategic and creative platform to support this.



We have heart

At the start of the process trustees, fundraisers and supporters of the ALF were consulted to provide feedback on the foundation, and how they felt about and interacted with the brand.


The feedback provided informed the purpose, values and personality of the brand, which in turn formed the strategic platform of 'having heart'.


For the ALF, 'having heart' means having both passion (for what you do) and compassion (for others), and an underlying commitment to making a difference.​



Refreshing the identity

A full assessment of the ALF brand comms was undertaken and key touchpoints were identified.


Inspired by the strategic platform and Aaron's story, a series of distinctive assets were created to help develop the ALF brandworld.

The Pulse


Central to the identity was the unique 'pulse' graphic - a visual representation of the strategic platform, and the unexpected reach of the Foundation and it's initiatives.

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Colour palette


The colourways chosen for the foundation represent Aaron's two great loves; Westcliff Rugby Club (maroon) and the army (green).


Two variants of each colour have been selected to provide depth and flexibility in usage across the many different initiatives the foundation provides.

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Tone of Voice


The brand platform is at the centre of a campaign in the local area, local press and social media channels celebrates some of the key stories and initiatives that the foundation has been responsible for.


These stories include a young boy who lost a leg to cancer now aspiring to be a Paralympian thanks to the input of the ALF, and an injured military veteran competing at the Invictus Games thanks to the foundation funding his racing wheelchair. 



The community showpiece

The ALF10s is the foundation's showcase event, that every year brings together 10s rugby teams from across Europe to compete in a two-day post-season tournament. The tournament continues to grow and surpass it's fundraising efforts year-on-year, and has become one of the staple sporting events in the South East sporting calendar.


Following the rebrand of the ALF, the identity of the tournament was brought in line with the master brand, creating it’s own distinct tone of voice and interpretation of the master assets. 


Applications of the identity are carried across every touchpoint from social media advertising and build-up, matchday equipment and apparel, programmes, sponsorship decks and merchandise.
